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Zoro's Swords Inflatable 70 cm - One Piece

Item # C3304
17,99 €*
  • 3 Swords
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Zoro's swords

If you want to dress up as Lorenor Zoro for the popular anime One Piece, you definitely need Zorro's swords. With these inflatable swords you will have no problem getting into a convention.

One Piece Lorenor Zoro's sister

Zoro is no simple swordsman. He has been training since childhood and has a dream to become the best swordsman in the world, which is why he taught himself the 3-sword technique. After all, anyone can fight with two swords, but no one can fight with three swords like Zoro. Zoro's swords are all very valuable, but one in particular. The Wado-Ichi-Monji is his most valuable sword and once belonged to his idol Kuina. It is one of the 21 royal swords and is made of thick metal painted white.
These three swords are not nearly as dangerous as in the anime One Piece, but they are still eye-catching. Zoro's swords are inflated and are approx. 70 cm long.


  • 3 Swords
: 70 cm