Sexy carnival costumes for fun at carnival

A kiss here, a kiss there, Mardi Gras and Carnival mean being happy, drinking refreshing drinks and flirting. Sexy Mardi Gras costumes are especially popular with men and make many a party heart beat faster . Confident women love to attract attention with a women's costume that is not only body-hugging but also fun to wear.

Many women's costumes have an attractive effect, especially the big cat or sexy nurse come to mind when you think of revealing costumes. While the erotic signals of the woman can be taken seriously and have a positive effect, the man must expect to be ridiculed for " sexy carnival costumes " or is only too happy to provoke this.


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Sexy carnival costumes and great ideas

The basis for numerous provocative models that are offered as sexy carnival costumes are themed women's costumes that can be enhanced with the appropriate accessories, etc. Scarves, shawls and boas, for example, can be wonderfully combined with hot 1920s outfits . Gloves and arm warmers or crowns and hair accessories go well with many outfits.

Some suggestions:

  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Paratrooper
  • Sexy Gothic Bride
  • Sexy Playmate Policewoman
  • Sexy Ladybug
  • Sailor

Other fun ideas are historical figures such as Cleopatra and dressing up as a Viking woman or pirate . This means that movie themes can also be wonderfully reinterpreted for sexy carnival costumes , e.g. Pirates of the Caribbean or science fiction series such as Star Trek costumes and the many female characters from Star Wars .

Sexy carnival costumes and crude humor

Depending on the occasion, slightly more offensive costumes can also be worn. The 18+ category for adults has some very funny and clearly ambiguous costumes for you. The costumes, which are mostly intended for men, are ideal as a partner outfit for your partner's sexy carnival costume and together you will be the eye-catcher of the evening. Halloween carnival costumes are also very suitable for embodying eroticism together with horror and giving the ladies an eerie aura.

If you want to be creative and put together a provocative carnival costume as a lady, take a look at our petticoats and pants . Combined with some clothes from the 80s and 90s costumes , as well as the matching wigs and fishnet stockings, you can quickly conjure up your own individual look.