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Tie Black or White

Item # B6788
3,75 €*
  • 1 tie
Out of stock
on replenishment order**
Out of stock
on replenishment order**
Black or white tie for many different occassions. Perfect for 20s gangster costumes, tailcoats or jacket. You can also combine it with your disco costume. Chosse your color and you're ready to go.

You don't have to knot the tie due to it's zipper system.
Krawatte schwarz oder weiß für Damen und Herren bei » Kostümpalast.de √ jetzt günstig online bestellen √ mehr als 100.000 Artikel sofort lieferbar


  • 1 tie
  black white
: Länge ca. 46 cm Länge ca. 46 cm Länge ca. 46 cm