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Skeleton full mask with brain and cylinder

Item # C7509
24,99 €*
  • Full Mask
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Skeleton mask for Halloween

This skeleton mask with a top hat looks creepily real. The top hat can be worn or not. A really scary costume for scary nights and theme parties.

Realistic skull mask with torso

The skeleton mask completely covers the head, neck and chest as well as the nape and upper back. This mask for adults is made of high-quality latex, is skin-friendly and feels soft and real. It is flexible and can be worn again and again. The lower jaw is even slightly movable, which makes this full mask look even more realistic.

The skeleton's brain is peeking out from the top of the skull. Creepy cool!

The neck, shoulders and chest area are also very lifelike with tendons, bones and spine. If you wear a cape with it, or just a shirt or t-shirt, then you won't even see any transition and the horror experience is complete.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
Apply black paint to your eye area under the mask to make the mask look even scarier.


  • Full Mask
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