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Red tie for Trump costume

Item # B4450
3,75 €
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3,50 €*
  • One Tie
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Red Tie for Trump Parody Costume

Clothes make the man, and sometimes the president too. A red tie is sometimes almost a distinguishing feature. But whether Donald Trump won the election because of the red tie is controversial.

Red tie with that certain something. A zip system makes it very easy to put on and take off. The zip forms the loop for the neck and is very easy to adjust. The zip is located under the tie knot, which is simply raised to release the lock. Then you pull lightly on the neck loop (not the zip) to make it larger. After you have put the tie around your neck, with the zip open, simply pull on the end with the fabric facing. This way you can adjust the neck size to any size you like. If the width is comfortable, you simply fold the zip down and the zip is fixed again. Perfect for anyone who doesn't like tying a tie knot.

Suit and shirt are not included. Donald Trump wig and USA pin can be ordered separately.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
Pair this red tie with our Donald Trump wig and your own black suit.


  • One Tie
Dimensions accessories: Länge ca. 46 cm