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Magic Time Turner Necklace Gold

Item # C2399
6,99 €*
  • One Necklace with Pendant
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Magical time turner on chain

Hermione Granger and Harry Potter would certainly be delighted with such an enchanted amulet. A magical time-turner on a golden chain is a great thing and can perhaps transport the wearer into the past or future... you just have to know the right spell. This costume jewelry is suitable for adults.

Movable amulet for witches and wizards

A time turner hangs on the beautiful gold chain with a toggle clasp and looks beautiful. In the middle there is an hourglass in a moving disc. The disc is connected on an axis to the inner ring and this to the outer ring. Each ring can be rotated separately. An inscription is engraved on the edge of the two outer rings:

"I mark the hours, every one, nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, are gauged by what you have to do"

In the Harry Potter films, Hermione was given a time-turner like this by Dumbledore so that she could attend several courses and lessons at Hogwarts at the same time. Ours might also be helpful. You have to turn the hourglass once to be able to travel back in time one hour.
We didn't try it, because interfering with time is never completely safe. That's why the Ministry of Magic later destroyed Hermione's Time-Turner. Luckily, we still have some of them in our secret storage.


  • One Necklace with Pendant
Dimensions accessories: Durchmesser ca. 4,2 cm, Länge einfach ca. 30 cm