Small devil fork for devilesses
A trident for small and larger devils who do not want to carry around a large devil fork. A great accessory that should not be missing from any devil costume.
Red and black small devil fork
Especially ladies from the underworld appreciate the dimensions of this fork. With a length of about 55 cm, the small devil fork is very handy and not too cumbersome when transporting, at the party and dance floor.
Dress, wig, devil horns and wings and tights can be ordered separately. Put together a sexy devil outfit for yourself. With a few accessories you are great dressed up.
Kleine Teufelsgabel 55 cm zum sexy Teufelin Kostüm √ TOP Karnevalskostüme und Zubehör bei Kostü √ Klassische und ausgefallene Faschingskostüme