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Ladybug Gift Set Giveaway

Item # C1900
6,50 €*
  • 6 Jo-jos, 6 mini notebooks
  • 6 Labyrinth toys
  • 6 Kaleidoscopes
Out of stock
on replenishment order**
Out of stock
on replenishment order**

Ladybug Gift Set

What does a birthday party include other than cake? That's right, gift sets for the guests. All the little ones among us love receiving presents. This Ladybug gift set is perfect for that.

Gift sets for all Miraculous fans

This great Ladybug gift set contains 24 small gifts. You get 6 yo-yos, 3 in green and 3 in blue, 6 labyrinth toys, 6 mini notepads and 6 kaleidoscopes, also 3 in blue and 3 in yellow. The toys are perfect for small hands. There is a lot to choose from between something to write with, a concentration game and activity games.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
Our other Ladybug decorative items go perfectly with this, e.g. gift bags, paper plates, paper cups, foil balloons, napkins and much more. Take a look around our shop.


  • 6 Jo-jos, 6 mini notebooks
  • 6 Labyrinth toys
  • 6 Kaleidoscopes
  • Schneller Versand auch ohne Express
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  • Kein Mindestbestellwert