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Intestines Costume Accessory

Item # C5614
8,75 €*
  • 1 Guts Belt
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With this wide belt of intestines and guts you can transform yourself into a terrible zombie in no time at all without much effort. And all in a great three-dimensional look. Great costume accessory for Halloween, zombie walk or carnival. The belt can be worn by men and women.

zombie belt

The zombie belt innards has a three-dimensional look and is made of plastic. Scary, pink intestines and innards are shown on a red background, which is reminiscent of blood. There are strips of fabric sewn on the sides, which you can use to tie the belt comfortably. Wear this belt over a dress or just with jeans and a shirt. To create an even scarier look, you can also cut up your shirt and smear the belt and your shirt with blood. The belt can be worn by men and women.

Top and fake blood are not included but can be ordered separately.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
A great accessory for making your own zombie costume. Just add your own torn clothes, fake blood and zombie makeup and your scary Halloween costume is ready.


  • 1 Guts Belt
Dimensions accessories: Umfang: bis 135 cm, Höhe ca. 24 cm