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Horns animal mask with moss effect

Item # C7300
16,99 €*
  • Half Mask
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Horns animal mask with moss effect

With our impressive horned animal mask with moss effect you will be the star of every carnival or Halloween party. This unique mask combines impressive, bright horns in a bone look with a natural moss effect to give you an unforgettable and terrifying look.

Moss animal mask with horns

The mask is equipped with large, bright horns in a realistic bone look. These striking horns give the mask a majestic and menacing appearance, perfect for anyone who wants to dress up as a mystical forest creature or spooky creature. The moss effect gives it an enchanted and wild look. You will look like you have stepped straight out of an enchanted forest.

The combination of impressive bone-look horns and the natural moss effect sets this mask apart from all others and creates an authentic and impressive look.


  • Half Mask
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