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Hollywood Movie Decoration Swirls Cinema Night

Item # C6522
11,99 €*
  • 30 Swirls
  • 16 Hollywood Motifs
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Express delivery possible for extra charge

Hollywood Movie Decoration Swirls Set

Roll out the red carpet and hang up the Hollywood Movie Decoration Swirls. You'll definitely score points at the next celebrity movie star party with the right decoration.

Theme party decoration with great 90s motifs

Stars and starlets love a pompous appearance. With our Hollywood Movie Decoration Swirls Set you can create the right environment. The 30 spirals are in black, red and yellow. The 16 Hollywood Movie motifs are printed on cardboard and show film cameras, film reels, popcorn and cinema signs with stars. The spirals can be hung quickly and easily from the ceiling and the decoration set really makes a statement. A wonderful addition to your Hollywood film party decoration.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
You can award an Oscar to the guest with the best Hollywood costume. You can of course also order the golden Hollywood trophy from us. And order the clapperboard at the same time. No Hollywood theme party should be without it.


  • 30 Swirls
  • 16 Hollywood Motifs
  • Schneller Versand auch ohne Express
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