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Hippie John long hair wig

Item # B1949
13,99 €
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12,99 €*
  • Wig
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Hippie John long hair wig

What would a hippie be without beautiful long hair? With the hippie long hair wig John, even men with short hair can look like a real hippie. With just a few accessories for hippie costumes, you have the perfect outfit for the next 70s party.

Tip: Nickel glasses, giant joints and peace sign medallions as well as flared trousers and many great hippie costumes can be found in our
70s Hippie Party Category

By the way, the great long-haired wig also goes well with rock star costumes from the 70s and 80s. With this wig you have many options for new costume ideas.

Do not shake the wig after unpacking! Put it on and carefully comb it into shape with your fingers.


  • Wig
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