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Halloween hand with stitches

Item # C6411
7,50 €*
  • 1 hand
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Out of stock
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Halloween hand with stitches

When you see the Halloween hand with stitches next to your salad bowl or sitting on your shoulder, you immediately think of Wednesday and the Adams Family. The little hand was everywhere.

Severed hand with stitches

The severed hand with stitches looks deceptively real. The hand is held together with deep scars and conspicuous stitches. The shape is very reminiscent of Wednesday Adams' Ice Cold Hand.
A spooky decoration idea for Halloween fans.

Tip from the costume palace:
If you want the hand to look even scarier, use some fake blood and apply it to the seams. Test a small area first to see if this changes the color of the material or if the blood can be removed without leaving any residue.


  • 1 hand
Dimensions accessories: ca. 16cm lang, 12cm hoch