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Glow-in-the-dark spider costume for children

Item # C4873
19,99 €*
  • Poncho
  • attached Hood
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ready for delivery, Delivery time:1-3 days**
Express delivery possible for extra charge

Glow-in-the-dark spider costume for children

Spiders are scary and most people run away screaming when they see one. But everyone thinks a glow-in-the-dark spider costume for children is fantastic! The perfect Halloween costume. Because you can wear warm clothes and a jacket under the wide poncho. That way you'll always be warmly dressed when collecting candy.

Halloween children's costume spider poncho

The wide, black poncho is printed with white spider webs and spiders. The special thing about it is that the spiders and web glow green in the dark. But it has to be really dark for the trick to work. The sewn-on hood is made of plush and has lots of googly eyes. Because spiders don't just have two eyes!

Black gloves and leggings can be ordered separately. Shoes are not included.

Horror tip from Kostümpalast:
We also have glow-in-the-dark cobwebs and fat spiders in the shop. These can be used to decorate your Halloween party to match your costume.


  • Poncho
  • attached Hood
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