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Giant hairy spider with animation 190cm

Giant hairy spider with animation 190cm

Item # C2979
39,99 €*
  • One hanging Spider
Out of stock
on replenishment order**
Out of stock
on replenishment order**

Hairy spider with animation

Spiders are as common as pumpkins at Halloween. But this huge, hairy spider with animation and very long spider legs is the crowning glory of your next decoration. A magnificent and scary spectacle at its finest!

Giant spider with sound, movement and glowing eyes

Let your guests enter the party room through the hairy spider legs. It doesn't get much scarier than this. Advantages at a glance:

- red glowing spider eyes
- 190 cm long decoration – gigantic
- Spider moves legs up and down
- spooky music and laughter sounds
- can be easily hung anywhere
- Battery operation, therefore independent of the power grid

Functions are triggered by
- Noises
- Touch
- Test switch at the front for manual start of the electronics

A notice:
To ensure the full functionality of the figure, please insert new, strong batteries.

A real highlight is this gigantic, hairy spider. You can hang the gruesome creature in a corner of the room. But this Halloween decoration certainly has the best effect at the entrance door. Because then the guests and the children who are calling for sweets have to enter through the long spider legs. Eerily beautiful and not for the faint-hearted. Because then the long-legged spider begins its spectacle. Scary music with a hollow laugh, glowing eyes and a wobbling spider body immediately signal that the giant spider was only sleeping and is now wide awake.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
You can find additional spider webs in all sizes and shapes in our shop. Of course, there are also smaller and larger spiders.


  • One hanging Spider
Dimensions accessories: ca. 190 cm