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Gigantic Gargoyle Animatronic Figure 210cm Demon

Gargoyle Figure 210cm Animatronic Demon

Item # C3963
349,99 €*
  • Devil figure
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Gargoyle Figure Animatronic

A gargoyle figure as an animatronic is not something you see very often in this size. Spectacular 210cm with light, sound and movement effects. The highlight for your Halloween party.

Devilish Halloween decoration with movement

This XXL Halloween decoration towers over every party guest at 210cm and is also ideal for events.

The Gargoyle figure is equipped with the following

- Speaks with a frightening voice (engl)
- Moves the lips when speaking
- Rotation of the head and body
- Eyes shine
- Movement of the wings

Start function by:
- Motion detector
- Continuous operation
- by doormat
- Volume adjustable

- Assembly in plug-in system without tools
- Connected to power

Life-size animated figures for Halloween. Use a fog machine to enhance the effect of this giant gargoyle figure.


  • Devil figure
Dimensions accessories: Gesamtlänge 210 cm