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Floating ghost doll decoration

Floating doll 70 cm Halloween decoration

Item # C1995
74,99 €
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59,99 €*
  • One animated Figure
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Halloween decoration doll animated

Now the haunted castle is really haunted. The Halloween decoration doll just doesn't want to hang still under the ceiling and join in the Halloween party. Life-size and scary-real!

Ghostly girl as decorative doll

It looks really scary how the Halloween decoration doll keeps floating up and down in the room. The body of the ghost girl who haunts the party in her white flowered nightgown is strangely twisted. The figure is approx. 70 x 10 x 75 cm and is therefore life-size. The inside of the body lights up blue. 3 x AAA batteries are required for operation, which are not included.

You can buy a fog machine and matching fluid separately from us. Fog is a great effect and an additional highlight for any Halloween party decoration.

Horror tip from Kostümpalast:
Skeletons and lots of spider webs are a must for a ghost and spooky party. We also have flickering LED candles for safe Halloween fun without the risk of fire.


  • One animated Figure
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