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Deluxe Cobra Walking Stick Snake Pharaoh Gold 94cm

Item # B9118
29,99 €*
  • One Walking Stick
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Out of stock
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Walking Stick Snake Deluxe

The golden cobra forms the handle of the deluxe walking stick with snake. For costumes such as voodoo priest or witch, Egyptian pharaoh or glamorous Medusa, this walking stick is a real highlight for the costume.

Black and gold walking stick with cobra handle

This massive deluxe walking stick with the golden snake as a handle is beautifully designed down to the last detail. The cobra's scaly skin, the poisonous teeth and the snake's body are made of metal that shines gold. The black stick is also made of metal and tapers slightly towards the bottom. A rubber buffer absorbs the impact on asphalt and makes the elegant walking stick look even more valuable.

The stick is approximately 94 cm long including the handle. It is intended as a costume accessory and is not suitable as a medical walking aid.


  • One Walking Stick
Dimensions accessories: Länge ca. 94 cm