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Cannabis glasses 70s

Item # B3329
4,99 €*
  • glasses
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70s nickel glasses cannabis

Hey man – you want to really go wild at carnival? You can do that, but not without these cool sunglasses with hemp leaves for rastas and hippies!

Cannabis Hippie Glasses

These original cannabis glasses are a really great accessory for hippie costumes, female and male Rastafarians and jokers who like to provoke a bit.

The 70s nickel glasses come in pale green. The lenses are dark-tinted and even have UV protection of 400. The two plastic marijuana leaves are the absolute highlight of these glasses. They are sturdily made, do not interfere with the view and do not unnecessarily weigh down the comfortable glasses. The hemp leaves also glitter and sparkle in the light.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
Also ideal for summer beach and garden parties.


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