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Body part on hook Halloween decoration

Item # C4796
from 4,50 €*
  • One Cadaver on Hook
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Body part on the hook

It doesn't get much scarier than this! With a body part on the hook, your Halloween decoration will be even more frightening than it already is. Hand or foot? The choice is yours.

Bloody foot or chopped hand on a meat hook

Body parts on hooks are hard to beat as a spooky decoration. A bloody, torn foot or a mangled hand look great hanging from the ceiling. You could use these meat hooks to decorate your kitchen or "spruce up" the party room - anything is possible.

1. Foot:
The torn foot measures about 20 cm from heel to toe. There is a huge open and brutal looking wound and the hook is also smeared with blood.

2nd fingers:
The bloody hand is about 30 cm long including the hook. This hand was completely mutilated and her ring finger is missing. You can see a very bloody and fleshy wound and blood running down her fingers.

3rd hand:
The hand is approximately 56 cm long with hook and chain. It looks very realistic as many details are shown, such as veins and small wrinkles. There are several small wounds and the bloody hole in the middle of the back of the hand where the hook was pierced.

All body parts are life-sized, making them even more gruesome. The mutilated limbs are very bloody with open wounds, creating a very frightening effect. A guaranteed shock at any Halloween party.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
If you are wearing a zombie costume, then take a bloody body part on a hook with you as a small snack for on the go. You can also hide the hands under your sleeves, which means you can pass them off as your real hands. This turns the Halloween decoration into a great costume accessory.


  • One Cadaver on Hook
  1. Foot 2. Fingers 3. Hand
Dimensions accessories: ca.20 cm ca. 30 cm mit Haken ca. 56cm mit Haken