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Bloody zombie latex hands

Item # C2878
14,99 €*
  • One Pair of Hands
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Zombie latex hands for adults

A good undead costume definitely includes these zombie latex hands! Because a zombie definitely doesn't have manicured fingernails.

Latex gloves for zombies

These great zombie latex hands are bloody, scraped and dirty. You can clearly see that the undead cannibal has freed himself from his grave. The cemetery soil is still under his fingernails.

Wounds, cracks and wrinkled skin are depicted very realistically. The zombie latex hands fit men and women. They fit well on your own hands and can be put on quickly if necessary. Your own hands will always stay clean underneath.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
Of course, we have fake blood, latex for wound formation and costumes in our range to match zombie outfits. White contact lenses are also very popular here.


  • One Pair of Hands
Dimensions accessories: Länge ca. 28 cm