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Artificial flower garland 140-220cm

Item # C3111
from 7,99 €*
  • One Garland
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Flower garland as decoration

A flower garland with flowers and leaves that never fade is always a beautiful decoration for any event. You have the choice. Ivy, eucalyptus, pink lilies or white lily flower garlands can also decorate your party room.

Artificial flower garlands for your event

No matter whether you are celebrating a wedding, a family celebration or an anniversary. Even theme parties such as Hawaiian summer festivals or magical fairies and princess children's birthdays will be fantastically beautiful with these artificial flower garlands.

The different flower garlands are 140 - 220 cm long and look very realistic. Romantic garlands with flowers or leaves can be selected here. Advantage of artificial garlands:

- can be used again and again
- look very realistic
- can be used as table or room decoration
- can be used for a very long time and is therefore inexpensive
- suitable for many theme party themes
- can also be used as decoration all year round

Party tip from Kostümpalast:
You can also find individual flowers such as lilies in our shop.


  • One Garland
  Green Eucalyptus Green Ivy White Lily Pink Lily
Dimensions accessories: Länge 140 cm Länge 220 cm Länge 220 cm Länge 220 cm