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Thorin wig and beard from The Hobbit

Item # B1980
29,99 €*
  • Wig
  • beard
Out of stock
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Out of stock
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If you want to dress up as Thorin Oakenshield from the Hobbit film trilogy, you will of course need the typical dwarf beard and the appropriate dwarf hairstyle. The Thorin wig is an original licensed product from the film.

With the wig and beard set you can transform yourself into a dwarf king in no time and motivate your comrades to fight against orcs and dragons.
Beautiful long hair wig made of black synthetic hair with light curls and some silver-grey highlights.

The beard is stuck firmly around the mouth with double-sided tape. The skin must be clean, free of grease and dry.


  • Wig
  • beard
  • Schneller Versand auch ohne Express
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