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Wrinkle make-up make-up set

Item # B4770
7,49 €*
  • 4 Face Paints, Liquid Latex
  • sponge, brush
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Wrinkles Make-up for Grandma and Grandpa Costumes

With this make-up set you can easily make yourself look older and create wrinkles. Do you want to dress up as a grandma or grandpa but you are still much too young? No problem with this make-up set. Also ideal for Santa Claus costumes.

The set includes a small bottle of liquid latex for modeling the wrinkles. The colors black, white, gray and pink are included for make-up. A brush and a sponge are included for applying the make-up.

Wig and pearl necklace can be ordered separately. Blouse is not included.

Latex: 28 ml
Make-up per color: 2 gr


  • 4 Face Paints, Liquid Latex
  • sponge, brush
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