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Original Jango Fett Star Wars costume children

Item # A1379
36,90 €
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29,99 €*
  • Jumpsuit
  • Half Mask
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Only few items left, Delivery time:1-3 days**
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With the original Star Wars Jango Fett costume you'll become a bounty hunter. It consists of a plastic half mask and a printed jumpsuit (standard version without cape). We also have the deluxe version of the Jango Fett costume. 100 % polyester. Official Star Wars licence by Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM
Jango Fett Kostüm für Kinder kaufen ✓ STAR WARS Kinderkostüm Jango Fett ✓ Star Wars Kostüme: riesige Auswahl + günstige Preise


  • Jumpsuit
  • Half Mask

Overall  110-116 122-128 140-146
shoulder length: 30 35 42
sleeves: 35 39 46
waist measurement: 72 78 90
length from shoulder down: 90 105 123
inside leg: 42 50 58
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