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Decorative carrot made of plastic 42cm

Item # B3119
5,99 €*
  • 1 carrot
Out of stock
on replenishment order**
Out of stock
on replenishment order**

Carrot decoration for bunny costume

Plastic decorative carrot for a bunny costume or for rabbits. Do you have carrots? Of course!

This carrot is decoration and statement in one. No rabbit would last long without its carrot. With the carrot as decoration, hopping rabbits are fully dressed for Easter, bachelor parties and theme parties. The yellow carrot is simply perfect.

You can also use this plastic carrot decoratively. For example, in an Easter decoration on the door or as a nose for a snowman.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
So that you never have to look for your carrot at the bachelor party, tie the carrot to your costume as a decoration. Simply tie a string to the carrot greens and wear it as a bunny necklace.


  • 1 carrot
Dimensions accessories: Länge mit Grünzeug ca. 42 cm