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Crime scene barrier tape with accessories

Item # A8436
4,50 €*
  • crime scene tape
  • chalk
  • 5 evidence markers
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ready for delivery, Delivery time:1-3 days**
Express delivery on Friday, 24.01.2025 possible
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ready for delivery, Delivery time:1-3 days**
Express delivery on Friday, 24.01.2025 possible

Crime scene barrier tape with accessories

A victim at the party? It's good if you, as a police officer, have this practical set with you. Use the crime scene tape to secure the area of the crime, use the chalk to mark the position of the victim. And use the yellow signs to mark other pieces of evidence. As you know from crime series like CSI or Tatort.

The kit includes yellow crime scene tape, white chalk to outline the victim, and five yellow numbered signs for the evidence you need to secure at the crime scene.

Halloween or carnival fun items suitable for all law enforcement officers and investigators. Also perfect for a murder mystery dinner.


  • crime scene tape
  • chalk
  • 5 evidence markers
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