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Bow and arrow set

Item # A8919
6,99 €*
  • bow
  • 2 arrows
Out of stock
on replenishment order**
Out of stock
on replenishment order**

Bow and arrow set with quiver

What would Robin Hood be without a bow and arrow? A real outlaw needs a good bow in the forest and always enough arrows in his quiver. Because the Sheriff of Nottingham and his henchmen are lurking everywhere.

The set consists of a brown bow with a dark brown handle and a brown string as a bowstring. The two plastic arrows have a suction cup at the front, so they are completely harmless when you shoot them. There are plastic feathers at the end of the arrows. Length of bow approx. 57 cm.

The bow also goes well with an elf costume or an Indian costume. A great costume accessory that really completes your carnival costume.


  • bow
  • 2 arrows
Dimensions accessories: ca. 57cm