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6 x Colorful flower hanging garland 210cm

Item # C2900
4,99 €*
  • 6 hanging Strings
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Out of stock
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Colorful flower hanging garland set of 6

The beautiful hanging strings will make your party room look even better. But colorful flower hanging garlands and decorative strings also look great when hung from trees in the garden.

Exotic hibiscus flowers and leaves on hanging garlands

The colorful flowers on the hanging garland are perfect for Aloha Hawaii parties or hippie flower power events. Because flowers are always a great decorative element.

You will receive 6 strings that you can hang from the ceiling, decorate the walls or even on trees in the garden. The strings with the flowers look good everywhere. And you can see straight away that a wonderful Hawaii Tiki party is taking place here. Your guests will be thrilled.

Each of the strings is 2.13m long.

Tip from Kostümpalast:
Hibiscus flowers are particularly suitable for an Aloha Hawaii Tiki party. But other flowers, flamingos and palm leaves are also popular elements. Conjure up a dreamy South Sea atmosphere with our decorative elements!


  • 6 hanging Strings
Dimensions accessories: ca. 213 cm